Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  Chemistry

Faculty of Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 64263


Salem Mohammed Bawaked

 Associate Professor


B.Sc. (King abdulaziz University, 2001) M.Phil. (Cardiff University 2006) Ph.D. (under supervision of Professor Graham Hutchings, Cardiff University, 2011)


  • 2001

    Bachelor degree from ChemistryScince, King Abdulaziz, جده, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2006

    Master degree from ChemistryScince, Cardiff, كاردف, بريطانيا

  • 2011

    Doctorate degree from Chemistryscince, Cardiff, كاردف, بريطانيا


Research Interests

$0•Study of Gold nanocrystals as heterogeneous catalysts and their characterizations.$0 $0• Mixed metal oxides and supported Metal catalysts for selective oxidation reactions.$0 $0•Investigating new preparation methods for synthesizing catalysts.$0

Scientific interests

•Study of Gold nanocrystals as heterogeneous catalysts and their characterizations. •Mixed metal oxides and supported Metal catalysts for selective oxidation reactions. •Investigating new preparation methods for synthesizing catalysts.


Chemistry 110 110 CHEM

Areas of expertise